DMCA & Copyright:

Mp3Play is an mp3 audio search engine. We crawl a huge number of websites to index a large amount of content. Mp3Play has no responsibility for the content of other sites websites that you can find or access when you use the services of this website.

The material available on or through other websites may be protected by property laws intellectual from other countries. The terms of use of those websites govern the use of that material.

Mp3Play does not host any audio files on its server. We show results of searches for the files that our spiders and bots have found while crawling different pages on the web.

Mp3Play respects intellectual property, and we ask our users to do the same same. If you believe that the materials you link infringe your Copyright, you can contact us making a "copyright infringement claim" and the content will be removed immediately (after the claim is verified) as quickly as possible, since it is the intention first respect for copyright and the work of others. Because as we already mentioned before we only show search results and do not host any files.

Mp3Play usa the following API's:


Yes believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that your rights have been violated in any way, please send Mp3Play the following information:

1.- An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner or other intellectual property.
2.- A description of the work under the rights of Copyright or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed.
3.- A brief description of where it is located the material that you claim is infringing our website, with enough detail so that we are able to find it on our site.
4.- Your address, telephone number, and address email.
5.- A statement made by you indicating that you have good faith that the use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.

Email assigned for communication is: [email protected]

In Mp3Play we use YouTube Data API technology for our search engine, we DO NOT support music piracy, it is also clear that no MP3 files are hosted on our server, they are hosted on different public internet sites and not we have any relationship.